This post took a little bit of observation and research and weeks of just snapping photos of various bikes around town. And while I said before that this blog is not a The Netherlands 101 Guide, it is quite hard to not post about one of the single most important cultural references in Holland.
My belief is that Dutch cycling is truly a representation of the Dutch people themselves. Practical, ecological, "outdoorsy"; biking is not only a mode of transportation. It's a philosophy.
Bikes here are like Midwestern farmers. They work hard and are friendly.
They bike. Rain, snow, sleet or shine.
There are 16.6 million people in this country and 16.5 million bikes with 99.1% of people who cycle.
The average distance cycled per person per day is 2.5 km.
This is a land of bikes and I wanted to share some of the different types of bikes I see.
So, so here it goes.
fiets = bikes.
bakfiets = box bikes (2, 3 and 4 wheeled)
omafiets = granny bikes
opafiets = grandpa bikes
lightweight go cycle bikes
beach cruisers
cheetah bikes
happy bikes
pizza delivery bikes
dead bikes
rental bikes
beer bikes
bike parking lots
Where do these bikes sleep at night?
Let me just say that the Dutch are not like the Americans. Each bike here does not have a beautiful garage rack, or all of the 27 different accessories / gadgets that we Americans love to pimp our ride with.
Dutch bikes are parked against a wall, chained and the lucky "elite" ones, get a small shed to cozy up next to the lawn mower in. Rust is a badge of honor. If bikes are too clean / perfect, the owner looks like a dork. Or the bike is stolen.
Dutch people (in my observation) also do not prep themselves in gear head to toe to go for a bike ride. They don't buy special shoes, special Lance Armstrong outfits and (gasp), they don't wear helmets. Last one, I don't condone.
Women don't seem to slather themselves in sunscreen, take backpacks, water bottles for each member of the family and snacks for their kiddos on the back. It defeats the purpose of "riding free".
Now, I should qualify this by saying that there are performance riders here. These guys are usually the ones who are "out with the guys" on a Saturday or who have a super long commute and riding fast "Armstrong style" (speed in KPH, not the drugs) just want to get to work quickly.
My bakfiets, or "Clementine" as my friends here have coined her, is probably frustrated that an American is her mama. I'm not hard core and practical has never been an adjective that is used to describe me. I don't use her as my sole source of transport. I mostly walk, since we live in town and then on really windy or cold days, I bust out the car too easily to pick up the kids from school.
The kids love her.
Hold on tight Clementine, spring has sprung and we've been riding her again.
I do believe there is actually a blog or two out there dedicated only to Bikes. Lovely Bicycle is my favorite because she has a perspective and an artistic lens.
I'm also partial to The Croatian Bear. A bike with his own FB following. Hardcore, mysterious and bad ass. What an awesome bike. Just like the dude who developed it. ; )
Jaimi, I love it! Especially the bike garage...oh,and the shit bike! Lol